Beach Rocks is coming up on Saturday, February 8th! Learn more about this fun event and get your tickets here.


BCU fundraisers support the SUN after school program, school events, teacher mini-grants, field trips, and student and family needs.   

Opportunities to Engage

There are many ways to participate in BCU Fundraising efforts.  Most/all of these donations are tax deductible. 

Attend a Fundraising Event

The BCU hosts two major events every year, the Beach School Auction (online April 14-20 and in-person April 26) and Beach Rocks! (Feb 8). While they are our biggest money-raisers, we work hard to try and make these events accessible to all Beach families.

Restaurant Nights

On select nights, local restaurants will donate a portion of sales to the school. Treat yourself to a meal out AND support the Beach community!  Save the dates below and be sure to follow the BCU on Facebook or Instagram for the latest updates.

  • January 23 at Pastini
  • February 25 at Double Mountain
  • March 19 at Tamale Boy
  • May 19 at Old Gold

Participate in the Bottle Drop Program

Save your cans and bottles to support Beach -  we've raised over $2,000 to date! 

  • How it works: Pick up a pre-stickered blue bag (you’ll find them just inside the main entrance at Beach), fill it with cans and bottles (completely emptied, and not crushed, preferably), and drop it back off at the bin! Repeat! You can also drop off the full bags at any bottle drop facility.

Purchase Bobcat Gear

Stay warm, look cool, and support the school by purchasing our coveted hooded sweatshirt

Direct Donations

Make a one-time or recurring donation to the BCU.  Recurring donations at any amount are incredibly valuable since they help us budget in advance! 


Consider checking if your employer matches charitable donations! If you do a direct donation, your company might match it…which means twice the money for Beach! Please reach out to the fundraising team (Rebecca or and Millie at if you have questions about how this can work.


Fundraising Co-Chairs 

Rebecca Vander Meer and Milena Malone

Contact us at